Simple Thing Can Make You Happy
Sunday, 18 November 2018
Happiness is simple
Every time you ask someone what they really want in life, the answer is often in the form of health, wealth, and happiness. But when you ask yourself what makes you happy, how easy are you to find answers from what you ask?
Every time you ask someone what they really want in life, the answer is often in the form of health, wealth, and happiness. But when you ask yourself what makes you happy, how easy are you to find answers from what you ask?
If you really think about it with happiness and even make you a little confused, still be sure that it's not a big thing in life that makes us forget how to be happy.
Cars are expensive, big houses with swimming pools and holidays wherever they want, but these are things that can be enjoyed today. There is no true happiness, because life really does have a happy time or not.
Then how can simple things in life bring happiness into our lives every day. Let's see what these beautiful little things are.
Getting Money from your unpredictable pocket. Unparalleled excitement that we think every time we dig our hands in our pants pockets that have not been used for a long time, so we forget that there is still money left in the pocket.
Usually, we find this treasure chest on a bad day when we have trouble finding money.Therefore, finding a few coins - even if only $ 5 - brightened our day. Suddenly, we get a whirlwind because we can indulge ourselves with delicious coffee, knowing that the money we spend is money we do even though we know.
Enjoy and watch the rain fall outside when you know you don't have to leave the house
When you wake up in the morning you can sit on the bed with a cup of fresh coffee on your blanket wrapped around you.
Impressed like a slacker, but in this way you can respect yourself and give yourself an "understanding".At the beginning of the day you should give yourself a little time, to be ready to go through your day.
Smile from someone else
Even though it's simple, the smile from someone we don't know at all can make us feel happy.This shows us that there are very good people in the world who just want to smile and make others feel better. Embrace and reply by smiling.
Eat Healthy Food
Yes, fast food can taste good. Sometimes, there is nothing as good as breakfast of fried rice, sausages, eggs, beans and fried bread.
But eating healthy foods that you know are good for you is much better and can make you feel at the top of the world.
To start, eating healthy when done properly can feel amazing.
Second, because you know your diet is something that is good for your body, you will immediately feel happier about yourself and life in general. You know if you eat the right food.
To start, eating healthy when done properly can feel amazing.
Second, because you know your diet is something that is good for your body, you will immediately feel happier about yourself and life in general. You know if you eat the right food.
Playing with the child who likes you
Children have a lot of strength in giving happiness. When we play with children who don't respond and see us as if we are strangers, our pride can go down. But when we played with children who responded to us with laughter and smile, we felt amazing. We think we are the most amazing people on the planet!
Meet Old Friends
Whether you are a sentimental person about the past or not, approaching an old friend you've never met for years will surely bring you a feeling of happiness.
Remember first, and talk about memories at that time. Rebuilding the relationship with him so that he is closer, exchanging ideas to create interesting new ideas.
Take a Longer Shower
Sometimes, what is needed to make us feel happier is taking a longer and more refreshing shower that makes us relax and removes all the sweat and fat that bother us all day long.
Even though it is old but it is still natural and still maintains adab and attitude when in this place. A day that feels tired after spending too much time in the office, no one says happiness is like a relaxing shower. All the water that flows on your face, neck and body is the way you cleanse all your stress and care, as well as the stains that are formed from activities throughout the day.
Be kind to others
Fewer things can bring us happiness in the same way as bringing happiness to others. Be kind to strangers or even people you know not only impress their day, but also impress your day.And if you ask the question, "But what can I get from it?", Just try random acts of kindness and see how you feel warm and happy.